I wanted to share the 21 days Positive Challenge. This challenge has helped me in changing habits and build myself to become the best version I can be. It has made an incredible impact on my life and allowed me to control my thoughts and be more grateful for all that I have and the experiences I have encountered. Enjoy and send me your thoughts and experience.
Follow me in links: https://www.uniquelypowerful.com/links
Day 1 - Make a list of 20 things that add value to your life. Tape it somewhere you'll see it a lot as a reminder to do those more.
Day 2 - Meditate and Journal for a Total of 15 min Before you get on your phone in the morning.
My Gift: Empathy
Day 3 - Treat yo' Self. Something small that you've wanted. Some time alone. Whatever it means for you to spend some time on self-care today.
My Self-Care Practice: Epsom Salt Bath with Lavender fragrance and my own Spotify playlist.
Here is my Self-love Playlist (Ages +18)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7frUUyaGDIySTbulGYuDG7?si=hjj7MCUWQN23SNV6STP5VQ
Day 4 - Five Compliments Throughout the day, give 5 heartfelt compliments to strangers and friends.
My compliment to you: I'm so grateful for your generous heart and contagious energy.
Day 5 - Share a book you really liked or learned a lot from.
Recommended Book: Veronika Decide Morir by Paulo Coelho
Day 6 - Do something good for the community.
Give to others. Give time, support, non-perishables, used clothing; the options are endless.
Day 7 - Share a song that makes you feel happy & confident hat makes you feel happy & confident.
My Happy song is: Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
My Confident song is: Alive by Sia
Day 8 - Turn on your music and dance for songs 2 straight. Bonus Points for looking super weird.
I dance to J'Balvin or Beyonce
Day 9 - Watch the Sunset.
The Golden Hour, or as photographers know the "Magic Hour," is the hour before the sunsets. The sky is a beautiful shade of yellow and orange. The light is right or near perfect for photography and to enjoy by yourself or someone special.
Day 10 - Write your Manifesto, a statement about what kind of person you strive to be.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill
Day 11 - Share something your grateful for. Be as specific as possible.
I am grateful for new opportunities.
What are you grateful for?
Day 12 - Go for a 15 Minute Run and see how many new things you can notice and appreciate.
Possibilities: New Neighbors, small animals, cute dogs, some Halloween surprise.
Share what you notice!
Day 13 - Something you've been avoiding - go do it. Positivity is also doing the shadow work!
Day 14 - Share a photo or memory of something in nature that lights you up.
Share a photo or memory of something in nature that lights you up.
I shared one of a rainforest, I don't have a current one since I live in Texas, but the rainforest and the beach makes me so joyful
Day 15 - For one day before speaking, reframe all complaints into positivity. Reflect on how the words you speak impact the narratives we tell ourselves.
Positive affirmations help me:
I have the power to create change.
I can and I will
I believe in the person I am becoming
Day 16 - Take 24 Hours off Social Media
I went to a beautiful local park with my family and laid on the grass enjoying the sounds of nature. NO pictures are available, since no phone or camera was present
Day 17 - Secretly do something nice for a friend or colleague. Don't tell them. See if you can give without recognition or expectation.
Keep it a secret and enjoy making someone's day.
Day 18 - Take yourself out on a date.
Wine Date, Spa date, Coffee Date, Pjs All day Date. All are acceptable
Day 19 - Clean Part of your house. Declutter. donate, dust. Whatever feels good to you
Most importantly, don't be like me and over do it. ;)
Day 20 - Meditation & Journaling
You only need 10-15 minutes for each.
Last Day 21 - Wildcard. You decide. What does positivity means to YOU?
Comment some of yours below, and let's share what we value with others.
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